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Trusted by customers of all shapes and sizes.

Whatever type of learning project you're working on, create something amazing with Quickify or let's talk! We'd be happy to build it for you.

Bayer Global

Change management campaign for global employees.


Sales enablement for existing and new retail partners.

Flair Airlines

Incentive awareness campaign for internal employees.

Bird Construction

Internal communications for company values in action.


Story-based Indigenous history and culture for businesses.

U of A Career Services

Onboarding and education courses to support career development.

Heidelberg Materials

Hazard and incident awareness delivered via mobile for field teams.

University of Alberta

Orientation program for new and existing students.


Essential upskilling for new employees and immigrants.

BRNT Designs

New product line awareness for retail associates.


Foundational knowledge for scaffolding apprentices.

Unlock the future of learning.

Take the first step to engage your audience - it's fast, easy, and free.
No credit card. No commitment.
Discovery Communications trusts Quickify AI
Heidelberg Materials
Bird Construction trusts Quickify AI
Swagman trusts Quickify AI
AIMCo trusts Quickify AI
Discovery Communications trusts Quickify AI
Heidelberg Materials
Bird Construction trusts Quickify AI
Swagman trusts Quickify AI
AIMCo trusts Quickify AI
Discovery Communications trusts Quickify AI
Heidelberg Materials
Bird Construction trusts Quickify AI
Swagman trusts Quickify AI
AIMCo trusts Quickify AI